Well another E3 has came and went. Like always Nintendo put out an Ok show. Nothing fancy and the only real new announcement had to with 4 Super Mario Titles and a new mature Metroid Adventure. Which I am stoked for, but learning of the Prime Trilogy for Wii has me all Metroid out recently. Both Zelda and Miyamoto or MIA this year, other then Spirit Tracks...which im not looking forward to btw! Nintendo mentioned the 100 Million DS users, but didn't really play the numbers game. Last I checked they were at 100 Million by April. I found it odd Iwata didn't brag about the 50 Million Wii's sold either. Instead he said he was more possible Gamers, which greatly exceeds the 290 Million gamers around the world. If anyone can do this the Big N can. Other then that the show was boring, but no embarrassments on Nintendo's part. Except they showed more Wii Sports Resort this year was Sky Diving, Archery and Basketball. I will admitt it looks fun, although what Reggie said is worrying me... so if i miss in real life, it is my own fault and not the game? BLAST IT ALL! I was terriable when it came to playing real sports -sigh-
Mario seems to be the man of the hr for Nintendo this year. 4 New titles. I am only excited by 2. New Super Mario Bros and Mario and Luigi 3! Mario Galaxy 2! Pass. I loved the 1st one, the game looks great. But the music is midi? If it is not orchestrated like the last game. That means Nintendo is just trying to pump out a New Mario game and rake in more cash. If that is the case I will pass on it again. New Super Mario Bros looks like the DS game, but with 4 players. Thats not really revolutionary and Nintendo is 2 systems late. Mario and DK for the DSi looks ok, but Ive never really got into the series. Although the create a stage feature is good move. The game I am most excited by is Maro and Luigi 3!
I Love this series and was green with envy when Japan had free roam of this game for some time. I have heard nothing but praise from my friends over in Japan. Which annoys me since I couldn't play it. SInce my Wife plays the DS a lot, I will have to get another DS just to play this and that new cop game. The COP game is good because it uses the GTA formula and lets players take on the roll of an edgy COP! Not a criminal! This game looks like it will be Anime ish and a lot of fun. I may have to get my hands on this title as well, down the road. I know its one thing to play as the bad guys over and over again, Bu t now you are a good guy? SIGN me UP!
Ok so lets talk about Wii fit Plus! In all honesty I haven't used it because like everyone else I lose weight. But since I am MEDICALLY under weight to begin with, Im not a fan of the Wii Balance board. Wii Fit is selling like crazy a year later and people are still paying 7 times a week. Who thought exercising could be this much fun? Well I sure didn't! Wii Fit 2 or Plus as the case would combines to games in one, Im not lying it really does. It takes the Wii Fit game and adds the work out playlist like EA sports Active. Which if EA is reading this, Im still awaiting the game to review it for Gottgame. For the 1st time in Plus "Players will know what its like to walk a mile in Mario's shoes" but how can that work? The Wii balance board says you can't jump on it. So Mario JUMPS! Figure that one out Nintendo. Kwife says that she is looking forward to Wii Fit plus later this year. Don't worry I will have a lot to say about the game, once it releases.
My biggest disappointment came with Reggie saying that Nintendo has been listening to their fans. I would have been happy with anything. Kirby, Starfox or Kid Icraus. What I got was Metroid. Nintendo has put out a bunch of Metroid games in the last 10 yrs. Now big Nintendo stars like Link,Kirby and fox have taken a back seat to Samus? Wow that is a shocker. Granted Golden Sun DS was a major surprise....and I am still foaming at the mouth quite a bit. All the other stuff wasn't new NEW stuff. Being in the industry a s I am now, you catch hints from developers in interviews and rumor's all the time . With that view point in mind, Im no longer really look at Nintendo press coverage from a fan's perspective.
Although did grow up with a Nes and a GB! Nintendo will always be about everyone and I feel this show demonstrated that. Still you can't help but feel, a little let down that Link won't be appearing other then on the DS anytime soon. But Mario can have 4 games and Link gets one? I know its a little juvenile, but how is that fair? The only thing that made me angry this year was the Sony press conference big reveal of their PSP Go (that looks like an over priced DS) and the "NEW" motion controls that vaguely resemble the Wii mote and Nun-chuck. The sincerest form of flattery is when you copy someone. But if Nintendo can get sued by companies for the Wii mote concept, how can Sony get away with this? That just doesn't sit well with me at all. Other then that I enjoyed this years E3 and watched the whole thing with Mrs Kwing.
- Kwing, Game Knights Radio
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