Kwing & Kwife Radio Show
Monday, February 23, 2009
What does it mean to be a REAL GAMER?
Hi I am Kwing: "The real game master" and Im here to talk about a troubling subject and that is "fanboism." Console Wars have been raging on now for since the "Genesis can't and Nintendon't days." Thoughs commercials were really funny back then too. Still they didn't get as ugly as today! That's because of the internet folks. If the net was as powerful as today back in the Snes and Sega days that would have been bad times indeed.Still what drives me nuts is that Kids today, don't know the meaning behind words like Casual,Hardcore and Master. Below I will tell everyone the true Meaning of those terms!
A Casual gamer today is word used to describe the Wii gamers and slumps them together with people that don't really play games, hardly at all. It is a term the "Hard core gamers" Halo/smash etc use to annoy gamers that don't play their games. In reality the term has a far different meaning. Its also contradicts the Halo and Smash Gamers for calling other gamers that term. When in FACT, that is exactly what a Smash/Gears/Halo and WOW Gamer is! Still with me folks? Here is the correct term for a s Casual Gamer.
Casual Gamer, is reference to people that only play one type of game! Thats all it means. It can also be geared to include someone that plays roughly 10 to 20 hrs a week or even 30 Hrs a week! See a true casual gamer only plays really one genre. Examples include FPS,Fighting,Party,Simulation and Online RPGS! See a casual gamer plays what they like, and you want to know what there is nothing wrong with that! Most casual gamers only own anywhere from 10 to 30 games...if that. Usually your girl friend would be a casual gamer since she only plays a few select games a month or yr. My Wife is an excellent example of a casual gamer. She likes playing either war games or sims games and that's it. She doesn't like to branch out. In most cases you will not see a Halo gamer playing Brawl, or a Brawl gamer playing Gears of War. Also casual gamers are more likely to play their same game over and over...and over...for days weeks and years on end. They spend barley $200 dollars a year on NEW games! However; they do spend more money then gamers, in terms of renewing online subscriptions to their favorite games. The casual gamers are made of about 20 or 35 Million and has been growing steadily since the mid 90s. Most casual gamers were introduced to games at it was considered except able in our culture and not before.
Now lets move onto the "Gamer". Having some fun now huh? What is a gamer today? Gamer today is considered some one who plays a handful of games, but isn't at the commitment level of say a Halo or hardcore gamer. At least that is what our culture says. However; regardless of what "Hardcore" crowd says. a Gamer is more powerful in terms of games then they are. See a Gamer is the real macoy! They really like playing all kinds of games, instead of a few and going with the crowd! A great example of that is a PS3 or Wii gamer! Before you start to foaming at the mouth, clam down and keep reading!
Yes you heard me right a Wii gamer is a true gamer. Now why do I say that? Well did you know that over 12 million Wii owners have downloaded past hit games online? Like Super Mario Bros.,Legend Of Zelda,CastleVania,Mega Man,Metroid,Street Fighter 2 and the list goes on and on. Unlike the "Casuals" Xbox Live, more Wii owners are downloading all kinds of games on the VC and the virtual channel has almost every genre! RPG,Fighting,Platforming,Action,Puzzle,Sim and so much more. Both the Wii and Ps3 offer I wide range of games for their customers. Although at times the Wii is subject to a lot of shovel ware and party games. Both systems do offer more of variety then the 360. Sadly the 360 comes out with my Scifi FPS/horror/third person/action games, then any of the other systems on the market today! No lies its all true, go to your local game store and look at the variety that Nintendo and Sony offer!
Keep in mind this is not based on a rabid fan boy, this is just what it means to be a real gamer. Lets continue, shall we? Great! The "Gamer"is some one who plays lots of games and ventures outside of the casual realm! He or she will play, roughly 30 to 40 Hrs a week. The Gamer is open to playing new and old games and is excited by most of genre's. They reads about games and sometimes write blogs for gaming fan site. The Gamer spends about 50 bucks a month on games and owns roughly 50 to 80 games. They will also roughly spend $500 to $600 a yr on games and gaming related merchandise. The True Gamer is not affarid of the bargain bin gaming, renting games and buying pre owned games! For a True Gamer, gaming is a part of thier life but at the same time they have a life.
Let me just say. that I am having so much fun writing this and educating the gaming community!
My level of gaming transcends a True Hard core gamer and I will explain soon enough. Still let me talk about "the hardcore gamer" as before I will tell you the current meaning, followed by the real meaning. In our culture today a Hardcore Gamer, is a term describe a girl or boy who only plays hardcore games like Halo,Brawl,WOW,Gears of War etc. They are very rude and mostly crude individuals who like to prey on and humiliate people online by performing "Tea Bags" and other ways to "pwn" some one new to the game. They throw out the word Newbie or use profanity like their native tongue. They also like to start system wars topics on forums sites and ear rape people while playing online games. They also coin the term of freedom of speech to its extremities! However; this is not what "True Hardcore Gamer" is!
What is a True Hardcore gamer? Well they are the next step on the ladder that is gaming! A Hardcore gamer enjoys playing most genre's, spanning multiple systems and has an utmost passion for gaming. Hardcore gamers love playing all types of games and most of them have been gaming since the Silver Age of Gaming! The 1980's! This folks are not ashamed to say they are a part of the "Mario Generation". They have played most of the great games from the 80s and 90s. They owned both systems during the console wars and made out like bandits. They see Mario and Soinc as estranged bros instead of bitter rivals! They have been called "Gamers" long before it was considered hip or cool in the eyes of their peers. Yes the Hardcore gamers are the ones who grew up with the NES,befriended the Genesis, partied with the N64 and graduated with the PSX!
The are the few and the proud and the real Hardcore gamers! Examples of men and woman of the hardcore world UltraNeko,Swag,HVGN,Irate,Goose etc. They write Reviews, work for gaming sites like IGN and Gamespot. These are the children of the 80s who shaped gaming and made it what it is today! To sum it up a Hard core gamer - Play's most game Genre's. Although most avoid Puzzle,Girly,Platforming and online RPG's. they beaten roughly 300 games in their lifetime and play anywhere from 50 to 60 hrs a week. They are the back bone of the gaming community! Some Own over 200 games and are avid game collectors. They spend over a hundred dollars a month on games! They buy magazines,DVDS, write Reviews, make video Reviews or other gaming videos. The Hardcore gamer is active and always ready to play. Yearly they spend roughly $700 or more on everything gaming. They remember their childhood and aren't afraid to replay the classic's of old. They get games from Gamefly,block buster,Hollywood video,bargain bins,discount stores,garages sales. Above all else they think Console wars are silly and that you should play what makes you happy and you alone!
We are coming to the end of this little article. I have said my name at the begining of this article and in all my Reviews so I will say it again. I am Kwing "the real game master" but what does that mean? Throwing that word around seems to angry a lot of people in the industry today. Because what people think it means today is not its real meaning. Today the term Game Master is used for people that cheat, do speed runs and walk through s online. Or pwn somebody else on the internet in a shooting or fighting game. No I am happy to say that is not the words true meaning. In order to understand the meaning of the word, he have to travel back to 1989!
Captain N the game Master! Name sound familiar? How about Kevin Keene? Still nothing? I'll explain see Kevin was a "Hardcore Gamer" but he went beyond that. He wasn't ok if just getting through the game the fastest or getting the best score. No he wanted to conquer the game, find everything, discover short cuts and Master every game he has ever played. Which back then would have been about 250 maybe 300. However; just because Kevin Mastered many games, that didn't mean he would always be perfect at them. I mean he is human after all. For even a Game Master sometimes needs help. That is the difference between someone who is arrogant who isn't open to improving themselves in the game. As opposed to someone who learns from thier mistakes and listen to others. A true Game Master goes above and beyond the call of duty in terms of gaming. Which does border on insanity.
Most Game Masters, were gamers that grew up around to many video games because children would mock and make them social out casts. Games became there closet friends. Being called a Game Master was not meant for praise, rather it was an insult. Most of us were called Nerds and made fun for our love of gaming. The only respect we earned was with our High Scores! A True Game Master, will play all the games we can. Even the really bad games like Barbie,Gi Joe,ET,Superman 64, Batman Dark Tomorrow and so many more. We play the games you shouldn't! A Game master tries to own as many systems as possible, although most of us seem to have more retro systems then current gen. Unless he or she doesn't own them. Gaming is very expensive, believe me! Still the portable gaming systems like a GBA,PSP and DS are a Game Masters best friend! Why cheap games spanning all types of variety! Booyha! It should be also noted that most Game Masters are crazy! A "Game Master" owns no less then 500 games! He or she has beaten over 300 games including current and Retro! They are leaders in there field and kind to others! Now comes the crazy part folks. Game Masters have capitalized on there talents and abilities. They sell there work and perform a grand service to gamers every where. They are willing to share their knowledge and pass on Tips and Tricks to their friends and fans! Game Masters do whatever it takes to master any game. Game Masters don't live they Game! For Gaming isn't a way of life to a Master, it is life.
- Kwing
A Casual gamer today is word used to describe the Wii gamers and slumps them together with people that don't really play games, hardly at all. It is a term the "Hard core gamers" Halo/smash etc use to annoy gamers that don't play their games. In reality the term has a far different meaning. Its also contradicts the Halo and Smash Gamers for calling other gamers that term. When in FACT, that is exactly what a Smash/Gears/Halo and WOW Gamer is! Still with me folks? Here is the correct term for a s Casual Gamer.
Casual Gamer, is reference to people that only play one type of game! Thats all it means. It can also be geared to include someone that plays roughly 10 to 20 hrs a week or even 30 Hrs a week! See a true casual gamer only plays really one genre. Examples include FPS,Fighting,Party,Simulation and Online RPGS! See a casual gamer plays what they like, and you want to know what there is nothing wrong with that! Most casual gamers only own anywhere from 10 to 30 games...if that. Usually your girl friend would be a casual gamer since she only plays a few select games a month or yr. My Wife is an excellent example of a casual gamer. She likes playing either war games or sims games and that's it. She doesn't like to branch out. In most cases you will not see a Halo gamer playing Brawl, or a Brawl gamer playing Gears of War. Also casual gamers are more likely to play their same game over and over...and over...for days weeks and years on end. They spend barley $200 dollars a year on NEW games! However; they do spend more money then gamers, in terms of renewing online subscriptions to their favorite games. The casual gamers are made of about 20 or 35 Million and has been growing steadily since the mid 90s. Most casual gamers were introduced to games at it was considered except able in our culture and not before.
Now lets move onto the "Gamer". Having some fun now huh? What is a gamer today? Gamer today is considered some one who plays a handful of games, but isn't at the commitment level of say a Halo or hardcore gamer. At least that is what our culture says. However; regardless of what "Hardcore" crowd says. a Gamer is more powerful in terms of games then they are. See a Gamer is the real macoy! They really like playing all kinds of games, instead of a few and going with the crowd! A great example of that is a PS3 or Wii gamer! Before you start to foaming at the mouth, clam down and keep reading!
Yes you heard me right a Wii gamer is a true gamer. Now why do I say that? Well did you know that over 12 million Wii owners have downloaded past hit games online? Like Super Mario Bros.,Legend Of Zelda,CastleVania,Mega Man,Metroid,Street Fighter 2 and the list goes on and on. Unlike the "Casuals" Xbox Live, more Wii owners are downloading all kinds of games on the VC and the virtual channel has almost every genre! RPG,Fighting,Platforming,Action,Puzzle,Sim and so much more. Both the Wii and Ps3 offer I wide range of games for their customers. Although at times the Wii is subject to a lot of shovel ware and party games. Both systems do offer more of variety then the 360. Sadly the 360 comes out with my Scifi FPS/horror/third person/action games, then any of the other systems on the market today! No lies its all true, go to your local game store and look at the variety that Nintendo and Sony offer!
Keep in mind this is not based on a rabid fan boy, this is just what it means to be a real gamer. Lets continue, shall we? Great! The "Gamer"is some one who plays lots of games and ventures outside of the casual realm! He or she will play, roughly 30 to 40 Hrs a week. The Gamer is open to playing new and old games and is excited by most of genre's. They reads about games and sometimes write blogs for gaming fan site. The Gamer spends about 50 bucks a month on games and owns roughly 50 to 80 games. They will also roughly spend $500 to $600 a yr on games and gaming related merchandise. The True Gamer is not affarid of the bargain bin gaming, renting games and buying pre owned games! For a True Gamer, gaming is a part of thier life but at the same time they have a life.
Let me just say. that I am having so much fun writing this and educating the gaming community!
My level of gaming transcends a True Hard core gamer and I will explain soon enough. Still let me talk about "the hardcore gamer" as before I will tell you the current meaning, followed by the real meaning. In our culture today a Hardcore Gamer, is a term describe a girl or boy who only plays hardcore games like Halo,Brawl,WOW,Gears of War etc. They are very rude and mostly crude individuals who like to prey on and humiliate people online by performing "Tea Bags" and other ways to "pwn" some one new to the game. They throw out the word Newbie or use profanity like their native tongue. They also like to start system wars topics on forums sites and ear rape people while playing online games. They also coin the term of freedom of speech to its extremities! However; this is not what "True Hardcore Gamer" is!
What is a True Hardcore gamer? Well they are the next step on the ladder that is gaming! A Hardcore gamer enjoys playing most genre's, spanning multiple systems and has an utmost passion for gaming. Hardcore gamers love playing all types of games and most of them have been gaming since the Silver Age of Gaming! The 1980's! This folks are not ashamed to say they are a part of the "Mario Generation". They have played most of the great games from the 80s and 90s. They owned both systems during the console wars and made out like bandits. They see Mario and Soinc as estranged bros instead of bitter rivals! They have been called "Gamers" long before it was considered hip or cool in the eyes of their peers. Yes the Hardcore gamers are the ones who grew up with the NES,befriended the Genesis, partied with the N64 and graduated with the PSX!
The are the few and the proud and the real Hardcore gamers! Examples of men and woman of the hardcore world UltraNeko,Swag,HVGN,Irate,Goose etc. They write Reviews, work for gaming sites like IGN and Gamespot. These are the children of the 80s who shaped gaming and made it what it is today! To sum it up a Hard core gamer - Play's most game Genre's. Although most avoid Puzzle,Girly,Platforming and online RPG's. they beaten roughly 300 games in their lifetime and play anywhere from 50 to 60 hrs a week. They are the back bone of the gaming community! Some Own over 200 games and are avid game collectors. They spend over a hundred dollars a month on games! They buy magazines,DVDS, write Reviews, make video Reviews or other gaming videos. The Hardcore gamer is active and always ready to play. Yearly they spend roughly $700 or more on everything gaming. They remember their childhood and aren't afraid to replay the classic's of old. They get games from Gamefly,block buster,Hollywood video,bargain bins,discount stores,garages sales. Above all else they think Console wars are silly and that you should play what makes you happy and you alone!
We are coming to the end of this little article. I have said my name at the begining of this article and in all my Reviews so I will say it again. I am Kwing "the real game master" but what does that mean? Throwing that word around seems to angry a lot of people in the industry today. Because what people think it means today is not its real meaning. Today the term Game Master is used for people that cheat, do speed runs and walk through s online. Or pwn somebody else on the internet in a shooting or fighting game. No I am happy to say that is not the words true meaning. In order to understand the meaning of the word, he have to travel back to 1989!
Captain N the game Master! Name sound familiar? How about Kevin Keene? Still nothing? I'll explain see Kevin was a "Hardcore Gamer" but he went beyond that. He wasn't ok if just getting through the game the fastest or getting the best score. No he wanted to conquer the game, find everything, discover short cuts and Master every game he has ever played. Which back then would have been about 250 maybe 300. However; just because Kevin Mastered many games, that didn't mean he would always be perfect at them. I mean he is human after all. For even a Game Master sometimes needs help. That is the difference between someone who is arrogant who isn't open to improving themselves in the game. As opposed to someone who learns from thier mistakes and listen to others. A true Game Master goes above and beyond the call of duty in terms of gaming. Which does border on insanity.
Most Game Masters, were gamers that grew up around to many video games because children would mock and make them social out casts. Games became there closet friends. Being called a Game Master was not meant for praise, rather it was an insult. Most of us were called Nerds and made fun for our love of gaming. The only respect we earned was with our High Scores! A True Game Master, will play all the games we can. Even the really bad games like Barbie,Gi Joe,ET,Superman 64, Batman Dark Tomorrow and so many more. We play the games you shouldn't! A Game master tries to own as many systems as possible, although most of us seem to have more retro systems then current gen. Unless he or she doesn't own them. Gaming is very expensive, believe me! Still the portable gaming systems like a GBA,PSP and DS are a Game Masters best friend! Why cheap games spanning all types of variety! Booyha! It should be also noted that most Game Masters are crazy! A "Game Master" owns no less then 500 games! He or she has beaten over 300 games including current and Retro! They are leaders in there field and kind to others! Now comes the crazy part folks. Game Masters have capitalized on there talents and abilities. They sell there work and perform a grand service to gamers every where. They are willing to share their knowledge and pass on Tips and Tricks to their friends and fans! Game Masters do whatever it takes to master any game. Game Masters don't live they Game! For Gaming isn't a way of life to a Master, it is life.
- Kwing
Gears of War,
Halo 3,
Super Smash Bros Brawl,
Video game reviews
Tenchu: Shadow Assassins (Wii) Game Review
Tenchu Shadow Assassins Review! Tenchu 4 Review. 天誅4! How well does Rikimaru and Ayame fair on the Nintendo Wii! Find out in Tenchu 4 Review #96 of Kwing Reviews!
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Sunday, February 15, 2009
We Ski (Wii) Game Review
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