So whats going on with
Gametrailers? Well for almost 4 days i battled to get my review on. See in the past what I learned to do, was to upload my review and leave my computer along for a little over 3 hrs. Then the review would be added and thats what I did for several months. However; in Oct I tried to upload more season 2 Reviews like OOT but sadly no luck. With the reviews that needed up, I dropped working on doing stuff on GT. Then after finishing my Castlevania review I tried to get online to GT.... it didn't work. So I was like, "alright no biggy I'll try again tomorrow =D" On Sat moring, I tried again.. then checked around 1:30 pm. Nothing happend then I was like "hmmm okay I'll go out with my wife and try to re upload."
After getting back home around 5 o clock or so It still DIDN'T WORK! At this point I decided "Fine I'll add this to Gotgame" GG added it to the site and cut out the last 3 minutes...again. I contacted the tech people and they got right on it. Later that night after watching the Naruto moive on CN, I tried to re upload. It didn't work so I contacted to GT tech people. No answer. Keep in mind this is Sat night. I was like " Okay its the weekend they probably can't help, But I wounder why GG is able to fix this when GT just seems to ignore me -sigh-
Sunday rolled around and after Church I tried again, then went out to eat and went to Walmart. You people know what happened next? I came home and it still didn't work. So then I was able to successfully add the Castlevania 2 Review to
Google Video no problems. I watched it a few times to see if it would cut out or freeze. Then I made the decision to just link the GG review instead of GT. The Review was fixed on GG in less then 12 hrs. I emailed the tech people at GT and was annoyed.. ok ANGRY! I told them that I wouldn't be posting vids until they got there act together. This is hard on me because I do have a target audience of 10,000 on GT and my vids have been viewed 25,000 times. So for the time being "I give up with GT" again this is hard on me too. But when I host videos places I expect results. I have been very impressed with the staff and the site its self. Both of us our failry new to the industry and together we will make a powerful leap forward!